Thursday, February 13, 2014

Name Change!!

Hello all!  I will be making a few changes to the blog in the coming weeks, starting with a change in name and URL.  Discover the Music just flows much better than Discovery of the Bands and, hopefully, will be a little easier to remember (and not sound quite so stupid).  The URL only changed slightly and, unfortunately, does not match the blog title.  It is possible that the blog name will change again in order to match the URL, but I am unsure at this time.  I also plan on adding an official e-mail and twitter for the blog and possibly a tumblr and facebook as well (unsure about facebook).  Anyway, just thought I'd update you guys on what's going on and if you have us bookmarked or anything, make sure you update that.  Hope you are enjoying the blog! I hope to have lots of things coming to you guys in the future.  Let me know if you have anything thoughts on the name.  I have changed it to Discover the Music but the URL is  Should I change the title to Discover the Bands so it can match?  ( and all variations of it were taken)

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